Tip Sheets
Bullying Prevention
Learn important tips for handling the bullying your child may be experiencing.
Dad to Dad
Dads play an important part in their child's mental wellness. Get ideas from dads on how to make a difference. También disponible en español.
Emotional Safety Plan
Don't wait until you're overwhelmed—make a simple plan to head off those feelings of stress. También disponible en español.
Graduation for Students with Behavioral Challenges
Is your child nearing graduation? Check out these tips to ensure they are prepared. También disponible en español.
Helping Your Child Make and Keep Healthy Friendships
It is so difficult to sit back and watch your child have a hard time making and keeping friends. However, it can also be difficult to determine when it is appropriate to step in and help. Check out this eBook to learn how you can help your child make and keep healthy friendships!
How to Make Your LGBTQIA+ Child Feel Loved and Heard
Check out these tips for ensuring your child feels loved and heard when they come out to you as LGBTQIA+. También disponible en español.
How to Meet with Your Legislator
Wondering how to plan a successful meeting with your local, state, or federal legislator? Check out these simple tips for a successful meeting. También disponible en español.
How to Pick the Right Residential Treatment Facility for Your Child
Learn from parents who have had to make the difficult decision of sending their child to an RTF. También disponible en español.
How to be a Supportive Partner
Parents share their best tips for how to stay connected with your partner as you navigate the challenges of raising a child who is struggling.
Inpatient Hospitalization: A Resource for Parents and Families
Here is what you need to know to help your child navigate inpatient treatment.
Mental Health Consent to Treat
Learn about PA's Mental Health Consent Law for children ages 14 to 17. También disponible en español.
Residential Treatment Facility Tips
Parents who have the experience of placing their child in a residential treatment facility share the tips they've learned to help you prepare and plan for their stay. También disponible en español.
Sharing Your Story
Families are often asked to share their story with decision-makers. But what should you share, and how do you start? This tip sheet will give you ideas and a plan to help. También disponible en español.
Talking about Suicide
If you're concerned about suicide, bring it up. If you don't know how to ask your child if they are considering ending their life, let us help you.
The Unique Challenges of Parenting in a Blended Family
Get tips on how to help your child who struggles adjust to your newly blended family—tips shared by parents who lived through merging their families together.
Tips Parents Want to Share about Trauma
Tips from parents to parents about raising children who have experienced extreme trauma. También disponible en español.
Understanding Your Child's Social Battery
If you have a child who is introverted, shy, or anxious, they may struggle with what's called their "social battery." Learn more about this concept and ways parents can help prepare their child (including adult children) for social situations.