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Why Won't Insurance Cover My Child's Needs?

Writer's picture: Payton Johnson Payton Johnson

Dealing with insurance is so stressful. Especially when it comes to your child. You want nothing more than to get your child the services that they need to thrive and oftentimes insurance seems to get in the way of that. If you have been told by mental health services providers, doctors, or your insurance company that the treatment your child needs PH95 could be just what you need.

nervous parent

If your child has been diagnosed with a severe disability and or mental health challenge they may qualify for coverage under PH95. PH95 is the specialized insurance available through the Medical Assistance Office that covers the treatments that most insurance companies won't. 

I know what you're thinking "I already have insurance through my employer" or "We probably make too much to qualify". We hear these disclaimers from parents every day when they call into to discuss their insurance hardships.


The thing about PH95 is that it does NOT take your income into account AND your child could be covered by PH95 while still being covered by the insurance you already have! Many children with severe disabilities, and or a mental health diagnosis qualify for Medical Assistance through PH95. 


To learn more about PH95 and if it could be the right fit to get your child the services they need click the button below.


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