A supportive and stable education for your child or young adult is critically important.
For families looking for learning opportunities, we have provided below ways to expand your knowledge and keep your child on track.

IEP Bootcamp
On an IEP team, you are the person who will consistently advocate for your child with a long-term plan in mind, but IEPs are written one year at a time, and other team members change year to year. Join the Parent Alliance’s IEP Bootcamp, where you’ll learn how to look at each piece of the IEP individually. You’ll gather information about how your child’s challenges affect their whole life, especially their mental wellness, and consider how their goals are working outside of the classroom. Remember, you’re an expert in your child!

The Right to Special Education in PA: A Guide for Parents and Advocates
Written by PA's Education Law Center, this guide to special education services in PA tells you everything you need to know about getting and managing special education services in simple and easy-to-understand language.

Special Education Timelines for PA
Do you know how many days a school has to complete an evaluation? Or agree to an evaluation? Here's the list of timelines all schools in PA must follow.

The IEP Team Process: A Framework for Success
Here is an excellent video series that provides a step-by-step guide to the entire IEP process. Each video ranging between 4 and 12 minutes can be watched on its own to help you prepare for a meeting, or the entire series can be watched at once so you know what to expect.

IEPs, IDEA, and Special Education Services
Here's some basic information about IEPs and 504 plans to help you understand the differences of each.

Emotional Disturbances and IEPs
Can your child qualify for special education services because they have an emotional disturbance? This 3-minute video gives you the information you need to answer that question.

The Importance of Evaluations
Parents often underestimate the importance of evaluations, but this can be a big mistake. This 6-minute video explains how you can make sure you understand what tests are being suggested and how you can make sure your concerns are addressed.

A Mental Health and Special Education Services Primer
This 45-minute video discusses in clear and easy-to-understand language what families need to know about mental health and special education services. Can your child qualify for an IEP? What's the difference between an IEP and 504 plan? and so much more! *This video discusses educational rights for children in psychiatric hospitals and RTFs.

Attendance and Truancy
School attendance can be challenging when raising a child with social, emotional, behavioral, or mental health challenges. Learn about your protections under the law and find some strategies in case you need help from your child's school.

The IEP Team Process: A Framework for Success
This 5-part series of videos between 4 and12 minutes takes you through the entire IEP process. Easy-to-understand guidance for families addresses topics like who is on an IEP team (chapter 2), what's included in the IEP (chapter 3), getting ready for your IEP meeting (chapter 4), and the IEP meeting itself (chapter 5).

How Difficult Can This Be? Frustration, Anxiety, and Tension Workshop
F.A.T. stands for Frustration, Anxiety, and Tension—and that's exactly what the workshop participants will experience! This workshop video provides teachers, parents, caregivers, and siblings with the opportunity to actually experience the emotions and stresses that children with learning disabilities face daily. By using simulations and contrived activities as models (for example, telling a story without using any words that contain the letter N), the participants temporarily experience the frustration, anxiety, and tension that is the lifestyle of students with special needs.

The Importance of Evaluations
Parents often underestimate the importance of evaluations, but this can be a big mistake. This 6-minute video explains how you can make sure you understand what tests are being suggested and how you can make sure your concerns are addressed.