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Our Shared Stories
Parenting a child who struggles with their mental health can be tough, but together, we find strength. Explore stories of hope and practical advice from parents who've been where you are now.

Supporting Your Partner Through Challenging Parenting Times
Raising a child who is struggling is very difficult and it can put a lot of strain on a marriage or relationship.
Payton Johnson
8 min read

Is ADHD in Girls Different?
ADHD in girls can look different, and often goes under-diagnosed.
Payton Johnson
5 min read

What is SAP and How Can They Help?
The SAP team is a group of trained professionals from the school and local community agencies that offer assistance to children needing supp
Payton Johnson
8 min read

Understanding Your Child's Social Battery
A social battery is a metaphor for the amount of time and energy someone is able to put into socializing until they feel mentally....
Payton Johnson
4 min read

Being An Ally for Your Transgender Child
This harsh reaction to her "coming out" forced Nora to want to get away from her family before she began her medical transition.
Payton Johnson
6 min read

Avoiding Meltdowns at Family Gatherings
If you are used to meltdowns, mood swings, or outbursts when you and your child are at a social event perhaps they are struggling with...
Payton Johnson
4 min read

Exploring Bipolar Disorder From a First-Hand Perspective
Let’s not use the phrase “I am bipolar.” That label can be heavy. Instead, let’s use the phrase, “I am someone who has bipolar tendencies.”
Payton Johnson
7 min read

"You're Not My Parent, I Don't Have to Listen to You"
This is a phrase that every stepparent dreads. Let us help.
Payton Johnson
2 min read

How Does Your Relationship Change When Your Child Turns 18?
Look at your relationship with your adult child in a different way than you did before. "You are going from being a supervisor to a co-work
Payton Johnson
8 min read

PA's Mental Health Consent Law is Being Misinterpreted
"This isn't just one facility that's misinterpreting or even just one part of the state. It's happening everywhere."
Payton Johnson
6 min read

Dyslexia and Its Impact On a Child's Mental Health
"The reality is the system isn’t built to be changed overnight. You don’t have that time," said Zolet, school counselor at the Gow School.
Payton Johnson
7 min read

Learning Disabilities Impact Far More Than The Classroom.
"After 50 years of research, there are still people who think a kid leaves their learning disability at school. That's not so.
Payton Johnson
6 min read

Celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month!
"When you walk into an office and you see your language, that gives you a sense that your service provider is really making an effort. "
Payton Johnson
6 min read

You Never Stop Being a Parent; Transitioning to Raising Adult Children
When asked how they keep tabs on the mental health of all of their children who span across the state of Pennsylvania Jayne replied; "I make
Payton Johnson
6 min read

Could a Family Support Partner Help You?
Who are our FSPs and whay can they help you with?
Payton Johnson
5 min read

National Eating Disorder Awareness Week
The last week in February serves as National Eating Disorder Awareness Week. The Mayo Clinic defines Eating Disorders as; "a preoccupation w
Payton Johnson
5 min read

Guest Blog: "Melanin and Mental Health"
#papafa #guestblog #adoption #blackmentalhealth We are excited to introduce our first ever guest blogger, Nichole Bonsell. Nichole is a...
Payton Johnson
6 min read

Tips For Supporting Your Partner During Challenging Times
Parenting a child who struggles has the potential to put a lot of strain on a relationship. Get ideas on how to support one another here.
Payton Johnson
2 min read

NEW TIPSHEET *FOR PROVIDERS*- How Can The Parent Alliance Help the Families You Serve?
Sometimes it helps to hear from a person who has been in the same shoes as you have been.
Payton Johnson
2 min read

National Special Education Day
These 5 resources are what we recommend to our families who have children with behavioral and mental health needs ..
Payton Johnson
3 min read
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