There is no such thing as a "dad" job or "mom" job. Either parent can pick up the phone and call the insurance company to get a list of approved therapists. Don't just be involved when a problem arises. Do the fun stuff too!
You have a different perspective than your partner and can notice symptoms that they don't. Attending therapy and appointments and offering your insights can help everybody involved.
Replace the words "I have to" with "I get to." Don't let your child see you get annoyed by things you have to do with and for them. They are a blessing, not a burden.
Learn effective co-parenting skills. If you are lucky enough to have a teammate in raising a child respect them and work together.

There is no cookie-cutter way to parent. It is okay to be sad or scared or confused if things don't go as expected. Find someone you can share your struggles and wins with. It gets easier the more you get involved. Practice does not make perfect, but it does make it easier for both you and your child.
You can't save someone from a sinking ship. Take a look at your own mental health and carve out some time to make it a priority.
Raising a child with mental, emotional, behavioral, or social challenges can take a toll on your own mental health. It's good to check in now and then, or more often if need be.
Resources for Dads
Being a parent is never easy, and finding information tailored specially to dads can be challenging. Below you will find an abundance of resources that speak directly to those challenges and find the support you need
National Responsible Fatherhood Clearinghouse has a variety of activity suggestions for dads anywhere, a Dadtalk blog, research, resources, events and opportunities to connect virtually and in-person, hosted by the US government. Includes videos, webinars, and tips for dads to manage challenging situations. Click here.

Providing advocacy, community, education, and support for families where the fathers are primary caregivers for their children. Click here.

Here, we defy stereotypes, shatter myths and celebrate black fatherhood every day. Here is a place where we encourage, teach, support and share tips that can help all fathers become better dads. Though marred by a racially driven and media amplified stigma that has led the world to perceive black fathers as widely missing in action, inactive or simply unfit parents, we continue to thrive. This is the driving force behind The Dad Gang. Click here.
Other Dad Resources:
Fatherhood: The impact of fathers on children's mental health - This briefing paper explores the direct and indirect impact of fathers on children's mental health, from positive supervision and language development, to emotionally buffering mother and child against environmental stresses.
Dads Care How To - We know being a parent especially right now isn't easy. So here's a resource of how-to videos for dads by dads. Because #DadsCare How To get through this together.